Sunday, March 02, 2008

Long Time no Sea

Hello everyone, it's been a long time since I posted to this Blog, but my wonderful better half has been updating his regularly and for not wanting to duplicate and repeat the same old thing then I haven't posted.

Craig has been a bit slack of late since starting full time employment as a pool technician at "Mr Stoves Pool World".  He is pretty happy there, but the dosh isn't up to much, as most employment here in Aussie Land isn't. 

Things are going really well here, the weather is perfect now, it's now officially Autumn but it's in the mid twenties which is lovely.  It surprised us at how we actually coped when the weather was in the high thirties/low forties, we actually managed quite well, and Craig who isn't a lover of the really hot weather was working outside during this period and managed admirably.

Of course we miss everyone from home terribly but the Aussie's, the weather and just the general lifestyle go some way to making up for it.

The children have took to Aussie life like ducks to water, they both have really nice sets of friends and have thrown themselves into school life and are both involved in the School choirs.  Robyn being older and in the older choir has more 'Public' opportunities and regularly sings at Citizenship ceremonies here in Wodonga.  Good on yer Robyn.

Wodonga is a really nice place, great community spirit, great people, a wonderful place to bring  up children.  The town is having it's annual Street Carnival next weekend, so that's another example of the wonderful community spirit here.  It's a little bit like going back in time in the UK, where you really can leave your front door unlocked without fear of being done over.  Of course there are incidents in the locality but percentage wise nothing like back in Sunny Rhyl.


There is really too much to update everyone on so I will sign off now and post a couple of photos of us all over here.

The below are pictures of the Hammans Family at Bondi Beach on the momentous occasion of Craig's 40th Birthday, one he will never forget.


Monday, July 16, 2007

T-minus 6

Countdown to takeoff!!!

Well I know it has been a while since I have posted on my Blog, but things have been extremely hectic with the impending move to OZ.

It's oh so exciting, I'm mad busy organising things ready for the moving company who arrive with the container on Thursday, so only two more days to get everything sorted.

It's going well though, the girls room is packed up, which was the biggest thing to do really, as they have tons of toys etc, which are now nicely organised, so that has broken the back of it really.

I slimmed down my wardrobe a while ago, and we have been e-baying like mad for the last few months getting ready. It feels great to have a good old clear out, and it makes you realise how much clutter you accumulate over the years, and we have only been in this house for the last seven, yet have still managed to amass a huge amount of crap.

I left work on Friday, and am now officially unemployed for the first time in my life. It feels really strange.

My work colleagues presented me with some good old aussie beer or shoe tokens, a bottle of Moet and a beautiful silver compact mirror which they had engraved with the Force Crest and a really nice message. It was greatfully received, and we finished my working time there by going out on the slash in Liverpool after work.

It was a totally top night, and it's really strange that it takes leaving, to find out what high esteem people hold you in until you are leaving them. I was overwhelmed by the lovely comments and praise that everyone passed on, and it is quite humbling to find out what people really think of you!! There was a really good team of us out and about, which again makes you realise that you have been appreciated and that you will be missed.

Of course it's sad to leave the good old 'scousers' behind, with their amazingly good humour, honesty, sarcasm and general good banter, especially my little 'Team' who have always worked extremely hard for and with me, and I will miss them all very much.

But onwards and to the other side of the world it is for me and the family on the biggest adventure of our lives.

I've got two interviews lined up already, so that's very encouraging, maybe I won't be unemployed for too long hopefully!!!

The Farewell Crew on the Crawl down Mathew Street!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

We have finally been granted our SIR visa's and are now planning our migration to OZ. What a brilliant feeling it is that after over a year of filling in forms, waiting, filling more forms, waiting some more and now we have finally got our approval.

So it's all hands to the pump now, the house is up for sale, and we have also booked our flights for the 23rd July. Schools out for the kids on the 20th, so it seems quite appropriate really. Bring it on !!!!

It also gives us time to sort things out properly, for me to gradually hand over the reigns in work to my successor, and ensure that all loose ends are tied up there.

Only problem with the flights is that we are all only allowed 20kg's each, which for a normal holiday would be fine, but we are going forever, and will have to wait 12 weeks for our container once underway to arrive at our port of choice (probably Melbourne), so we will need to manage with 80kg's total of clothes etc for 2 1/2 months. Still if needs must....

It's a great feeling though, since we made our final decision that we were going to do it and then getting the approval, I still have not had one moment of doubt as to whether we are doing the right thing or not. People in work etc keep asking me if I am apprehensive, but the honest answer if NO! Not one little bit. I am under no illusions that we will not have moments when we are homesick, and realise how far away from home we are, but I think that as a family unit we are all strong enough to get through the tough times and embrace the challenge head on....

Thursday, August 31, 2006

This is the family standing with Brooklyn Bridge in the background in February. Oh my gosh it was absolutely freezing, but an absolutely amazing holiday.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hi, This is my lovely husband Craig and my youngest
daughter Lowri